Friday, July 22, 2011

Why is ESPN SpprtsCenter coverage of all sports so bad?

I watched SportsCenter for two hours this morning and the coverage of all sports is really bad. About 40 or more minutes was about the NBA Finals? Why didn't they cover more the NHL Stanley Cup Finals, which they covered for about 2 minutes. The MLB was only covered with the Boston Redsox highlight. Whats wrong with showing the first place Brewers that took it with a sweep from the Cardnils? Is that at all news? They showed none of Jeff Gordan and the Pocanno win. They showed none of the Harrison Frazar win a 3 hole playoff in Memphis. There was none of US Open or Wimbledon lead up that will both start soon. There was alittle Plaxico coverage. Whats wrong with ESPN and maily only covering the one event all hour: The NBA Finals.

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