Monday, July 18, 2011

What was your worst camping experience?

Hi. My husband and I decided to take 6 kids camping with us and 2 of them were mine. The rest were my nieces aged from 6-13. My kids Lizzy age 2 and Maddie age 4 and my nieces Alayna age 6, Nicole age 10, Jaymee age 11 and Britney age 13. I am 28 myself and my husband is 29. We decided since Alayna, Nicole and Jaymee haven't seen Britney since 2009 (Britney moved, but shes moved back into the area) we would take them all camping, BAD IDEA. Well lets start from the begining, we were packing up for 1 weeks trip. All of that food, blankets, pillows, toys etc. We filled up 2 cars with all that stuff (we took 3 total). So we get all packed up and leave. Now Britney has never been camping before. As soon as we got up there Nicole, Jaymee and Britney went to the bathroom and complained about how dirty it was and was recording on the phone saying "the camp store is cleaner than those bathrooms". Then they were talking in hillbilly voices (ANNOYING) and wouldnt shut up while me and my husband were trying to put up our trailer tent. They were singing very loudly with hillbilly voices. Then all the little kids were throwing fits because some couldnt sit by Britney and blah blah blah (They did this alot). Then they argued over who got the tenis racket (we only ahd 3) and the younger kids were screaming and crying because the older kids wouldnt give them turns. Then we let them take a walk on their own before dinner was ready (all together) and who-ever was the "brilliant one" and decided to teach the little kids to knock over port a pottys and chase golfcarts and it was raining too and i went to go look for them and they were going to the place where they tell you what activites there is to do that night (WE TOLD THEM BEFORE WHAT ACTIVITES THERE WAS) and i picked up the little kdis in my car there was no room for the big kids so i made them walk and (stalked them) to make sure they go back to the tent. Then we took them to the park and they were argueing over the teet or tot and my daughter got a splinter and it strated pouring it was horrible, Went back to the tent. Then Nicole wanted to sleep by Britneyy tonight (they stay upo and talk and giggle so NO). She has the biggest fit ever and cried and said "your not the boss of me" and "im not eating " and "my mom made me come on this trip i didnt want to i hate you" and she called her mom and asked to be picked up (Her mom refused to drive because the campsite was 2 1/2 hours away and it was 7pm). So then we ate dinner and they went to the creek now my 2 year old daughter was scared to walk in the water and Jaymee was holding her and asked help from Nicole and Britney but they just left them and went up more in the creek, that irratated me. Then they went to roast marshmellows and burnt everyone of them ON PURPOSE (the older kids im talking about) so it was in the fire. I yelled at them. So theyw ent into the camper. There bed was being help up by 2 steel rods and they jumped ON PURPOSE (they know not too) and one cracked so we yelled at them. Then we went to bed from 9pm-12:30am they were up ALL NIGHT (dont ask why i have NO IDEA they woke me and my husband up, we didnt have any sleeping pills either) shaking the camper, bouncing up and down, making fart noises, whispering, laughing, getting in and out of the camper being OBNOXIOUS (the OLDER kids not the younger ones). Then at 4:30am Nicole was yelling "lets gather around the campfire and sing our campfire song" in a hillbilly voice. I yelled at them to go to bed and this is never happening again and were leaving tomorrow. I turned the TV off at 1:00am so they were doing this in pitch blackness. The little kids were asleep the whole time NOT US. We yelled at them constantly but they didnt care. So the next day we got the lil ones up at 6am and ate breakfast and went golfing (mini golfing) and i dont know why i wasted the 10$ on the older kids cuz they were being smarta$$es and using their hands (video recording it) and going on seperate courses cuz they didnt wanna wait for the lil ones. They said to me in a hillbilly voice "wasnt that a great game of golf arnt we the best golfers" Then we went past a sign that said have a beary good day and theyre like "aunt zoey r u having a beary good day" and saying beary after EVERYTHING they said. We told them to pick up the ground before we left they threw everything in the fire and video recorded it (That made me furious) so I told them to go to the car. They are the most disgustingest people ever. They didnt bring deodarent ON PURPOSE and lifted their arms up (they were sitting there for 45 minutes and doors wer shut) My car windows were foggy and oh my god we had to air out the car i made them leave all the doors open and sprayed them with febreeze for 10 minutes. Then Nicole lifted her arms up again while we were driving I yelled at her. We went home the next day (The OLDER KIDS were TERRIB

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