Saturday, July 23, 2011

In your opinion, where do u think is the worst/dangerous cities/neighborhoods in America?

I live in a suburb of Memphis and I can tell u that some areas r absolutly terrible. You would be lucky to drive down a certain street without something happening to you. all of Memphis isn't bad by any means but for the most part not a good place to raise a fAmily at all lol

Class of 2003 8 years later... is it all it's crack up to be?

There's still a lot of talent. The problem is that there have been no good players surrounding them (Except for this year's Heat. I have no idea what happened.)

How can I ask my my mom to put me into therapy?

I'm 16 and I've been struggling with depression since I was 12. I was bullied all through middle school and in some parts of high school (a lot of it is little whispers when I walk into a room and 'jokes' to my face and fat jokes) I've also been having an up and down struggle with bulimia and cutting. My mom recently found out about my cutting and thought I was doing it for attention and last night she found out that I've been crying myself to sleep and she offered therapy and I declined it, because I knew she wouldn't want me in it. But this morning I started thinking about it and I realized that maybe it is a good decision to go to therapy (mainly because I'm afraid if I don't I'll end up killing myself). My mom is kind of on edge right now and even if she did offer therapy, she'll probably freak out. (It's weird I know) How can I ask her without her freaking out?

Is this girl hiding her feelings?

she could be cause all these seems like she likes sounds like u guys are pretty close why dont u talk to her about it. Or ask her sister if something is bugging her, I hope this helped! Good luck!(:

Okay im reallys confused? uhhh questionabout mcdonalds/police/and phonecalls lol.?

I doubt they would connect you to the police without saying anything to them must have MIsheard them!

World War Hulk Questions?

Okay so I was reading WWH the a little while ago and I saw that he killed Black Bolt. I was wondering how? He whispered "enough" and that didn't stop hulk he could have just yelled to kill him. Why didn't he do it? Also why didn't Odin stop Hulk? Where was the Phoenix Force? I don't know that much about comics, someone explain in-depth

Why was I allowed to do this?

Im a Gringo. And one day I walked into the Josefina Mercado Latino to buy a redbull because I didn't feel like walking across the street. I walk in and the place smells like beans. I paid for my redbull and nobody said anything to me. I don't know if it was because they didnt speak english or they didnt realize I'm white. The cashier lady even said hello. I was nervous though on the inside, Ive never been around that many people before I wasnt culturally or ethnically equal to. No one stared or even said a thing. I was expecting whispers in spanish and rapis glances, but no. They didn't even have a sign that said something like "Cuidado, no queremos Gringos aqui" in the window

Is the first time Humpty Dumpty was illustrated as an egg known?

The earliest known version is in a manuscript addition to a copy of Mother Goose's Melody published in 1803

Can sum1 send me a link for a 4ch. amp thats pretty decent that puts out an exact 60 to 70w Rms per chan?

Want a little more than the common 50x4 but 75x4 is a little too much (maybe give ur opinion) 2 alpine type s 6x8s and 2 memphis pr692 6x9s thanx!

A re-post for Humpty Dumpty.....c/c?

An excellent, expressive read, and so many I have come to love, but like a toxin delivered by those unknown I seem to have become a poison, as my petals fall, Browning now.

Writing a story. Advice and rate?

OMG! i had a tear. you really put a lot of emotion into this and your writing has a strong voice. keep going. when its done get it published because i want to read the rest! its like one of those shows, you watch 1 episode and you're hooked.

Why Do SO Many Children's Nursery Rhymes End with Something Tragic?

In connection with the adult entertainment, popular theory claims that many of the nursery rhymes of today were not written for children. They were rooted in the political and social undertones of the past. Many started out as folk songs, as adult rhymes, to camouflage an unpleasant message or a distasteful event in their local history. Yet, it is possible to read into the various rhymes, connotations about Kings and Queens and social injustices. Rhymes were a sort of euphemism.

What do you think this meant?

OMG! I have always believed in ghosts and spirits but I only like good ones. I think your mum may have just seen ghosts. Ooooh! Exciting.

Awkard.... is this weird?

I don't think 10 years is that big of a deal; it is better to be with someone you really like! Go for it! You sound sweet! Good luck!

Memphis Beat Season 2 Premiere is aired or not?

Friends, I want to know that is Memphis Beat Season 2 Premiere episode has been aired or not. I am so excited for this show..

A Short Prologue, Opinions?

Ok, well apart from some work that needs to be done with your punctation (and some of your descriptive language), the content is interesting and raises many questions. It captured my attention and was intriguing in terms of the main character. In my opinion, it sets the opening scene well and would engage readers to find out more. In short, an effective idea for a prologue. Good luck.

What's the name of this old animated children's movie?

It might have even been a 30 minute episode or clip of some sort. I remember it was Mother Goose, and in between scenes there would be this "glub glub glub glub" transition sound. I distinctly remember Humpty Dumpty and the one about the cow jumping over the moon... but I was like 5 so I wouldn't even entirely trust my judgment.

Ok sooooo..... Ummmmm...?

I was joking about the ring and I got the Funny Call app so I called a random number and a kid picked up and I whispered "seven days...,.", then I hung up. Comments?

How many speeding tickets can you get in Memphis, TN in a 12 month period b4 having your lincense suspended?

I have heard after 3 is when they start looking at it, so I guess if you have 4 or more in a 12 month peroiod, you can have your lincense suspended. Is this correct?

Friday, July 22, 2011

My Mum is trying too hard!?

God that's like a friken movie ok ummm..... I would say get your dad to talk to her and say he doesn't need a sex maniac for a wife. Man, your life sucks!! I am so sorry you had to hear that!!

Class of 2003 8 years later...Is it all it's crack up to be?

Of course, except for Milicic. Don't forget about Kirk Hinrich who was the seventh pick, too. LeBron is a 2 time MVP, Carmelo is a perennial all-star as is Chris Bosh and D-Wade is a Finals MVP. Chris Kaman has also made an All-Star team.

What are the words chanted at the end of "whisper" by evanescence?

the chanting starts in the background at 3:29 and i think its in latin, but i cant understand the words otherwise i would translate them, if someone could find out what the words are and i could translate them it would be great :)

Tell me if this is CREEPY OR NOT!?

So I like this person. Ive never talked to this person before but I would ALWAYS see this person. & everytime we would always look at each other, I woud feel this vibe from this person, like if that person liked me but was too shy to talk to me. So on this holiday I went to that persons class & gave that person a gift. That person took that gift & said Thank You with a smile & walked back to class. That person never came up to me never said anything to me after but that person would still look at me with the vibe. When that person was with friends that person would whisper something to them when im there. Was it stupid of me to do that. Im I a creep? That person is 2 years younger than me.

Why am I dreaming of war?!?

that's really deep i suggest you take all possibilities into account and always be ready for something like to happen, because my friend, i had a dream like that a long time ago when i was 11 i had a dream that i was out in the front lawn looking at the houses and all of a sudden i heard a horrible noise and and a flash, then i was in the floor and everything around me was in ruins, then i remembered i was out of my 21rst birthday party, now i'm 20 and i turned 21 next year do you think is a coincidence , i never though about it until i read your post....

I paid cash for a car from a dealership which the car has no title they repo it?

because the sell tax hasnt been paid can they keep my car sales tax is 225 but they charging me 625 for repo can they do that do i need a anybody no one im in memphis,tn

If jesus often says things he doesn't mean, or speaks in parables, how does one decipher the meaning?

The worst part about Christianity is that any idiot who can read at a third grade level can make up his or her own interpretation of the scripture. Unfortunately, Christians are taught to believe what they are told with no thought or question.

What do these dreams mean?

That's pretty obvious what the dream means, but m/b you want to know why? It is simply wish fulfillment in the context of the previous day's thoughts. I don't know if you want this or not, but if you do go for it. If not, well, don't.

What do you think of drinking at the age of 15?

I have nothing against it, but than again I'm not very much for it. A couple of weeks ago at a friend's birthday party my friends got drunk and I had some sips. It didn't affect me, I wasn't intending to get drunk. I noticed some adults around us giving us rude stares and whispering about us. It looked quite sad, as if we were trying to look carefree and nonchalant but it seemed as if were playing up to the stereotype of teenagers trying to look older than we actually are. What is your opinion of 15-year old kids and drinking? What do you think is the appropriate age to start?

Would a Holocaust survivor be an appropriate guest in an 8th grade history class?

I am an 8th grade history teacher at a school in Memphis TN, and I am currently teaching my students about World War II and the Holocaust. I remember when I was in school, my teacher invited a holocaust survivor in to speak to us and answer our questions. I thought it was pretty interesting. My grandfather was in Auschwitz for several years until 1945 when he managed to escape. I’m just concerned that my students might be too young for someone like that. Do you think so? I’m sure he’d have many good stories to tell because he conducted a lot of experiments there and was actually a close friend of Dr. Josef Mengele.

Wanna Come over For Turkey?

Absolutely, smiles. Thank you. I so enjoyed this as L.C. said I would. Sounds like a fun gathering. Hugs and blessing for you.

Is this any good? I need advice.?

Yes this is brilliant!I can picture it in my head the story very descriptive keep it up! any question just visit my website! Good Luck

What would be louder/better?

I used to have 2 12" kicker CVR's wired at 2 ohms in a ported box with a ZX750.1 amp, it was a decent system before it was stolen. so, my question is, would one 12" Memphis MOJO in a custom ported box built by Memphis with a Memphis MR1200 amplifier wired at 1 ohm and a line driver be just as loud or louder? It's about the most powerful system that I could put into my car without upgrading the alternator which is something I do not want to do. I know it would be an expensive system to go with the Memphis route but I want to know if it would be worth putting down the money, and if it would be noticeably louder and sound better than my previous CVR's. Everything would be brand new if it helps much? and my car is a '95 Grand Am SE.

Why was Humpty Dumpty sitting on the wall anyways?

He was smoking a doobie and kicking back dude. Poor thing fell down and broke his crown, oops wrong one! He cracked his shell and the kingsmen made scrambled egg with toast or made french toast with good bread and maple syrup. darn it is almost morning and thinking about egg for breakfast.

Memphis beat season 2 episode 2, any streaming site to get it?

I want to watch this episode right now, If you guys already enjoyed this episode then plz refer me that source to grab this episode video.

I lost my voice?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

ok well i'm 15 and tuesday i got sick i had a stuffy noes the chills and a bad sore throat then wed i had a bad head ach and a fever the head ach and sore throat lasted till friday night saturday i woke up and had somewhat lost my voice and a bad cough along with a runny noes now today (sunday) i can on whisper if i wanna talk....this has never happened i've never lost my voice is this normal is there a chance i might have to get my tonsils taken out

Does it seem like he likes me?

I really like this guy and i think he likes me to...what do u think? We were at my school lock in and I were singing Rolling in the Deep, the part that goes "you had my heart inside of me but you played to the beat" when I walked past him becasue it was playing in the gym which I just walked out of and when I passed him he said "Wow way to show you're affection back to me." And later on when me and my friens were laying down in the cafeteri, watching a movie and talking, he came with his friends and layed down right next to me! <3 And once me and me friend were downtown and we saw him and his friends and we were wearing matching dresses and one guy goes "look siamese twins and then they were all stairing and poiting and talking about us and when we got to the end of the street the guy i like yelled "Hey come back" but i didnt cuz i was scared): Then the next day he was stairing at me while he was whispering with one of his friends and he goes "her". And there was huge group of guys in out choir class that wasnt supposed to be there but they are his friends so they came and they were all stairing at me and talking and then one of the them comes and trys to grab my butt but i slapped him and they were all laughing except the on ei like who's face was bright red and he looked really mad and embarased. Also he is constantly stairing at me(: And when i asked him to sign me yearbook he put a heart by his name and he didnt so that in any one elses! So what do u think...does he like me?

Can someone please send me a link to a decent/not too expensive 4channel amp that puts out 50watts Rms x4?

Or if u have a better suggestion.. Im lookin to power my interiors Front doors- Alpine Type S 6x8 (believe they are 50watts Rms each spkr. not totaly sure) and Rear deck- Memphis PR-692 6x9 (60 watts Rms each spkr.) Want a decent 4channel amp that will power them perfectly but not too expensive (and relatively small in size if possible cuz my kenwood excelon for my subs already takes up alota room) thanx to whoever can help me with this!

Will you comment on this glassy Gothic poem?

Whenever I read one of your poems I feel Im reading from A well known poet ,( not an ammeter) like me and so meany others . You write from your heart and not from a (Rule book.).. your one of the best thank you .

Are Humpty Dumpty Ketchup chips still in production?

I want to know cause I want to get some for my dad. The last time he had them was in Maine like back in the 90's sometime.

Jeremy Hazell's chances of getting picked?

He's been active..He has worked out with Memphis,Golden State,Kings,Clippers,Knicks and more..I heard he shot lights out working out for NYK

Where in the nursery rhyme does it say Humpty Dumpty was an egg?

It doesn't. The egg idea came from a published cartoon about the character. Humpy Dumpty was actually a huge cannon that was used in the English Civil War.

Why is humpty dumpty an egg?

This question haunted me throughout my childhood. I never understood why he was an egg, nowhere in the story was he said to have been one, so why do we always call him an egg?

Ok i would like to know the best way that i could get the best out of my amp and my subs , can someone help ?

I have two 12" dual voice coil, 4 ohm memphis subwoofers. Each one of them are 250w rms - 500w peak. And I have a Rockford Fosgate r500-1 class a/b mono block amplifier. It is rated at 500rms at 2ohms and 350 rms at 4ohms. Can anyone please tell me how I would wire the subs to my amp, and how to wire my coils, eaither in parallel or series.. a diagram would really help. And also i need help on how to set my gains on my amp..

Baby Names... Need Help!!!?

Ok I am pregnant with my fourth child. We find out what I am having in 3 weeks. I already have three boys named Mavrick, Malachi, & Memphis. If we have another boy his name will be Madex. But I have no name for a girl. I want to have a name before we find out what we are having so when the ultrasound is done the child will have a name. So please list ANY unique but beautiful girl names... Doesnt have to start with "M".... Thanks in advance

Do you like the beginning of my story?

Really good. But at the same time, I don't really feel like I need to keep reading for anything. There is nothing to be resolved. I know it's just the beginning, but I need something to make me want to keep reading. I really like the way you write, though. Good luck with it :)

Theres this boy and he keeps asksing what do u want me to do?

i have no idea wat to say he lives in horn lake mississippi and i live in memphis i just don't know what to say i already said i want him here but he said that wasnt a answer ive only been talking to him for 3 days and hes my best friends x bf please help me wat does he want me to say again he keeps asking wat do u want me to do!

Why is ESPN SpprtsCenter coverage of all sports so bad?

I watched SportsCenter for two hours this morning and the coverage of all sports is really bad. About 40 or more minutes was about the NBA Finals? Why didn't they cover more the NHL Stanley Cup Finals, which they covered for about 2 minutes. The MLB was only covered with the Boston Redsox highlight. Whats wrong with showing the first place Brewers that took it with a sweep from the Cardnils? Is that at all news? They showed none of Jeff Gordan and the Pocanno win. They showed none of the Harrison Frazar win a 3 hole playoff in Memphis. There was none of US Open or Wimbledon lead up that will both start soon. There was alittle Plaxico coverage. Whats wrong with ESPN and maily only covering the one event all hour: The NBA Finals.

Has Christianity become a Humpty Dumpty religion? cont...)?

True christians will never stop being christians,believing the bible,and will continue to seek Jesus.Whether atheists and antichristians approve or not has no relevance.The world is getting increasingly intolerant and more antichristian.

I had a dream i was grim reaper?

I had this dream where I was entering like a subway station, but through a trap door. And it was really dark and foggy down there. There was no people there, except a few bodies. I wasn't afraid, i felt invincible. As I looked down upon myself I saw that i was wearing a black cloak and was holding a skythe. What does it mean to have a dream that you are the grim reaper? And also, towards the ending of the dream i picked up the phone and whispered something, and the voice from the phone answered "death, death" in a really fearsome voice and tone.

John Wall is going to be the best point guard in the NBA in 4 years.You agree?

I thought John Wall had the Potential to be the best player in the NBA in 2 years! I also think that Wall was a better shooter as a rookie then Rose was as a Rookie. as you can tell by my picture, John Wall is my favorite player. We are riding on the Same boat my friend. I thought of the same thing that You did.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hollister interview!?

I had a group interview yesterday at 4 at Hollister in Memphis,TN Oak Court Mall. I'm stressing and worrying about the interview because it was my very first job interview. I'm 5'3 skinny wear a size 3 & I look mixed,but I wore a Hollister dress with sandals & my hair is naturally curly so I wore my hair in a high curly ponytail. But,i had my glasses on because my contacts ripped it was five other people in the interview with me as well. I think I answered all my questions correctly. I was nervous as well. Personally,i don't think I look cute with my glasses,but i'm very attractive without them & others say i'm attractice with or without them on. Do you think I will get hired?

Can someone help me with the problem of Shadow people?

You don't seem to want to accept the idea that this is manufactured by your mind, but it almost certainly is. I would guess that you had a trauma at an early age, and this vision is a manifestation of that trauma. I would also guess that considering therapy instead of assuming it's some kind of supernatural visitation is going to be considerably more helpful to you in the short term and in the long term. Since nothing else has worked, why not try that?

Its never too early for some 2012 NBA predictions (assuming no lockout)!?!?

Heat v insert any West team. The Western Conference is the toughest conference to win in the NBA. Any team in the West are capable of winning the ship. Lakers, Thunder (assuming Kendrick Perkins is at 100% and Westbrook matures and KD gets stronger), Spurs (assuming they have bigs to help them get over the 2011 season), Mavericks (assuming age doesn't catch up to them), Grizzles (assuming they don't trade one of their bigs). A lot of ifs.

Will you take the time to answer 20 quick questions?

I've always wondered about the Goofy and Pluto situation. Goofy must have disabled him so he could be top dog.

What do you think of this scene?

It was actually good in a not totally overbearingly romantic way it just sounded a bit rushed. Hope this helps:)

Are there any places in Memphis i can take CPR?

I'm 13 years old. I wanna make some money over the summer instead of laying around. I've decided to start a babysitting business, but I wanna get certified in CPR for safety reasons. Please help out and thanks in advance.

What should i do with my kids? Answers URGENT?

They need to be punished. Don't let them go to the concert. Either try selling then or give them to kids who know how to behave. Your daughters are old enough to know how to respect people. They need to understand that they can't get away with acting like a brat.

I have extremely low self esteem?

I have the exact same problems as you. Don't feel like you the only one, I'm here. We all feel like this, and I know that things will get better. It may not seem like it but it will. Oh yea, who cares about what other kids think? You shouldn't even have a boyfriend right now! It's not like you will ever need them when you grow up. You need to learn to be independent and not care what other people think of you. I did that and now I feel much much better. I will think of you and I hope things get better. Its okay, you a beautiful girl dont feel bad!!!

Is there a ghost?? its... the radio haunted?..... and the ghost stories?

Well it sounds like the radio is broken and that you need to get a little more upper body strength if you can't unplug a simple electrical cord.

When wil my package come from UPS mail innovations?

Where do you live? It was transferred to USPS, I believe, so it will come in your local mail from Memphis.

What are the promo cards in the scars of mirrodin block?

I'm collecting the block and want all of the promo cards that where released and cant find a complete list anywhere. I have plague stinger, skinrender, wurmcoil engine, memoricide, hero of blade hold, mirran crusader, glissa the traitor, thopter assembly, master's call, plague myr, signal pest, treasure mage, black sun's zenith, vault skirge, maul splicer, priest of urabrask, and sheoldred whispering one. What am i missing?

Do you have advice for me?

I'm so sorry you're having a lot to deal with, I can relate in some ways I suffer from depression, use to self harm myself (cutting), lost my dad when I was 7, just wanted to let you know you're not the only one because I know it can feel that way. I suggest first start taking the time to like yourself and love yourself, talk to your husband about how you feel maybe he will be supporting, after all you are together and communication is key. Try going out maybe getting a job somewhere, try talking to some of the workers at your husbands place. Say this to yourself ''I am beautiful, I am strong, I can do whatever I want, I deserve the best''. Say that to yourself over and over. Write out how you feel if you don't wanna talk to your husband. Try calling some of those family members you never do speak to such as cousins and such. Make a facebook many people are on there and so is your family most likely add them and add their friends. Talking online can be easier then in the real world. Go join a club, go to the park you might meet some other parents there, go to a church if your religious. Life is what you make it, if your sad and depressed feeling sorry for yourself life won't be a sunshine parade. You gotta live it up.

How far can you bully a cop before he can legally arrest you?

Trash talking a police officer is the usual response of gang bangers when the police are doing their job. You learn to ignore it. You don't use it as an excuse to bash people. Some people just don't know any better. If a person is breaking the law you either issue them a citation or make a custodial arrest. I have been sworn at by victims while pulling them from fires, wrecks,bar fights, and drug overdoses. Verbal abuse will not stop me from doing my job. When they get physically abusive then you use enough force to restrain them. Always remember to serve and protect. If you are looking for an excuse to bash people then law enforcement may not be the right profession for you. In order to get this job you will be background screened,polygraphed, and tested for psych. problems. Do you want to lose your job because of some childish name calling? I am sorry for the loss of your dad, but I hope I've answered your question.

What do I say to this guy I like?

You should talk to him. See how things are going. Make a conversation. Then, you'll both find out what's going on now.

I am an Indian, dress neatly- I feel people comment on me in bus and train, positive of course?

I feel people comment on me while traveling and at Uni- in Sydney. Does this happen or my psychological problem! They are positive comments, I am lucky. I wonder what would it be if it is negative whispers. I asked my chinese friend my problem- he says its better than commenting in your absence, and also says that they are compliments. But I feel like uneasy. I appreciate that them commenting good on a black shows their nice and open mentality, but I am a shy guy and do not know how to respond. How shall I respond under such situation. I worked many years in industry under tough conditions, so my personality reflects confidence and toughness, which is unique to typical Indians. I feel the same at uni while going by bus as those teenagers commenting on me- positive again and thank god. I love communicating with those beautiful girls but do not know how to. Can any one suggest me please?

What do you think of this story, what do i need to work on?

Your very detailed which is great, however u have to work on your grammar and spelling, eg. U said 'since me and Ashley...' wheras u should've said " Ashley and I" just small things like that will improve ur writing but overall I think it's really good, I really want to know what happens now, the rhetorical questions at the end of the paragraph is great, GoodLuck, hope I helped ;)

Car stereo will only work...sometimes...?

Some Outlanders have a separate factory amplifier, located under the driver's seat. It sounds like your vehicle's amplifier may be failing.

Is Humpty Dumpty an Eggnostic?

No - he believed in a better life and transformation. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs and he had this in mind when he cast himself off the wall , sacrificing his life so others might see the omelette. He was an EXtermist as you would Eggspect. Although he may have been egged on by others who thought he would chicken out .

What should i do with my kids? Answers URGENT? More info added?

I guess the upbringing wasn't strict enough, that sorry to say your daughters have climb over your head in another word spoilt brats. Punishments should be given at the correct timing. Eg. When they complain the dirtiness make them clean it. Wasting the marshmallows, make them pay for it etc. There's many ways to control those situation but you kind of let them slip. I'm not a mom, but i'm the eldest in the family. My aunt have issues with her kids to. I manage to control them. From them i learn that you have to be very firm, to show your daughters that you cannot be pushed.

How do you think the first round would've panned out if the Lakers had the number 1 seed ?

The Lakers' size likely would have helped them beat Memphis, and the Spurs would have rolled the David West-less Hornets.

Where does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?

The previous response hints at what is generally accepted as the answer to this question. I will just link you to a page with a well-composed response to this question, rather than duplicating it here.

Under the Volcano Quote meaning?

This quotation refers to the frustration of being a poet who produces no poetry--not even "obscure volumes" about nothing. Telling people that one is in the middle of a "great work" called "Secret Knowledge" will stave off their curiosity to see it. All one needs to say is 'it's secret, I'm not finished.'

Do bar tenders make you horny when they mix drinks in a professional way?

Please answer seriously! I had this discussion with my boy friend. I heard him whisper in the bartender's ear that she was making him horny when she mixed our drinks at the bar. He claimed that he was being playful with her. Do you feel horny when you watch the bar tenders do their jobs at the clubs? Just wondering!

Ballet Partnering Help!?!?

i think you should just be open minded. before, after or on the breaks, yeah be funny and laugh if he makes you, but don't be too friendly. on training, you must be serious about what you're doing. i don't think the flower part is necessary. GOOD LUCK :)

I am an Indian, dress neatly- I feel people comment on me in bus and train, positive of course?

I feel people comment on me while traveling and at Uni- in Sydney. Does this happen or my psychological problem! They are positive comments, I am lucky. I wonder what would it be if it is negative whispers. I asked my chinese friend my problem- he says its better than commenting in your absence, and also says that they are compliments. But I feel like uneasy. I appreciate that them commenting good on a black shows their nice and open mentality, but I am a shy guy and do not know how to respond. How shall I respond under such situation. I worked many years in industry under tough conditions, so my personality reflects confidence and toughness, which is unique to typical Indians. I feel the same at uni while going by bus as those teenagers commenting on me- positive again and thank god. I love communicating with those beautiful girls but do not know how to. Can any one suggest me please?

Would a Holocaust survivor be an appropriate guest in an 8th grade history class?

I am an 8th grade history teacher at a school in Memphis TN, and I am currently teaching my students about World War II and the Holocaust. I remember when I was in school, my teacher invited a holocaust survivor in to speak to us and answer our questions. I thought it was pretty interesting. My grandfather was in Auschwitz for several years until 1945 when he managed to escape. I’m just concerned that my students might be too young for someone like that. Do you think so? I’m sure he’d have many good stories to tell because he conducted a lot of experiments there and was actually a close friend of Dr. Josef Mengele.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?

I think Humpty Dumpty was meant to symbolize the death of a king and how all his men couldn't help him after he "fell".

What are your favorite rock bands?

Hi well, everybody knows that my favourite bands are Black Sabbath, Thin Lizzy, Misfits, Rush and Iron Maiden

Random questions of the day(:!?

1. Not sure don't bother to measure. 2. Don't have one, i have a favorite shade, black. 3. when i was 10 i think. 4. He did'nt die, i think they scooped his egg back in and duct taped the shell together.

What do you think of this scene? PLEASE read! Please, please, please?

fantastic , outstanding lol I love it . Really at makes u sad and cry in the first pov "Maddy's POV" but in the second "Scott's POV:" it makes u excited and want to jump off the couch . The end was happay and closed love it :)) but if u gave more information about "Riley - Nick " it wuld be more interesting :)) great

If humpty dumpty was egg shaped then why did he sit on a wall, was he a numpty?

Humpty Dumpty was the name given to a cannon,used by the Royalist army during the English Civil War.

Why did humpty dumpty have a great fall?

Was that your math because that was my homework today! The answer is : To make up for a bad summer ( no spaces ) :)

Who has an idea about a story?

ok, so i have to re-right a story about humpty dumpty. can you give me some ideas... it starts out humpty dumpty sat on a wall, humpty dumpty had a great fall, and then.... then i have to add to that... so please help me out! :D

Can someone explain Amps, Subs & Speakers?

Alright, so I'm re-doing my cars audio. But I want to fully understand what needs to be done before I do it. I understand that amps power subs & speakers. The terms bridge & ohms, I don't. I know mono amps have I guess one output, for a sub. 2 channel, usually for a set of speakers, 4 channels for all the speakers, and 5 for speakers & subs. Right? Now when it comes to amps pushing out power, RMS power for speakers & subs, why is that always a low number? I'm looking at a nice JL or Memphis sub with either Memphis or Infinity Kappa speakers, and an amp to push'em. If the sub pushes 200w-1200w RMS, and the amp I saw for almost $600 only pushes 300w, or something like that, how does that work? Doesn't sound like the amp is fully powering the subs potential. Shouldn't each channel in the amp push out whatever it's powering full potential? Like speakers that push 130 RMS, the amp shouldn't push 50 per channel or w/e. It should push 130 or more per channel, right? And you have a sub running to that amp, and it pushes 500w RMS, then the amp should push 500w RMS per channel to fully power the speakers and sub?

Does he still like me?

We talked like 2 years ago. I was really shy, and he was talkative. I saw him about a week ago and he walked right past me when i looked back he was staring at me so I turned back around and when I looked back again he just put up the peace sign, so i waved...then a few days ago I saw him again so I went up to him and said hey, do you hate me? He just starred into my eyes with his mouth open, so i walked away, then when i walked past him he started talking to me, but he was like whispering. so i told him to speak up because i couldn't hear him. then he was just like what are you doing after this. and someone cut him off so he stopped talking, and just stopped saying what he was gonna say.. the whole time i was talking to him he would stare into my eyes. then he started teasing me..he always plays around and smacks or punches me in my face, and i can't help but to laugh and blush. he smiled the whole time he was teasing me. So...does he still like me?

Scanspeak? Morel? Dynaudio? Seas? DLS? Hellya high end audio!?

I am surprised with your list of audio companies and choice of speakers as well as active and passive that you haven't listed Hertz/Audison in any of your categories. Hertz makes one of the highest rated SQ systems in the world. If you want to step up your audio game look into the Hertz High Energy Lineup. They are a fantastic speaker. Also for your subwoofer amp since you seem to be an SQ junky I am surprised you chose zapco, to truely get the best out of your subwoofer you will want to upgrade your amplifier. For now the subwoofer I would recommend is the Hertz Energy ES300, it is probably one of the better SQ subs on the market and in its price range it is likely one of the absolute best though you won't be able to find one online. Contact a href="" rel="nofollow" and they could mail you one as well as discuss prices and really help you with your sound quality needs. Personally I would run an Audison Lrx5.1K five channel amplifier run the HX300 subwoofer in a custom tuned ported box and run the High energy 2 way components active using the crossovers at the amplifier.

Where, in the nursery rhyme, does it say that Humpty Dumpty is an egg?

It doesn't, and never has. It is just how sometimes he is envisioned by artists. Most notably the Sir John Tenniel illustrations in Alice through the Looking Glass, which depicts Humpty Dumpty as a large egg balanced precariously on a high wall.

Woman moved away from me on bus and made rude comments about me to others. Should I have confronted her?

Your last words are correct,this woman had absolutely no reason to slander you in such a vicious manner. You should have came to your own defense as well,while stay on the phone with the person you were speaking to,so she could not accuse you of anything else in the process. You should have turned around,remained very calm,but to the point,said excuse me,I am on the phone here with my bride to be,and I could not help over hearing your viscous and false words about me,and you really need to get over yourself and get a life and see a shrink for paranoia,before you find your self in a court of law for slander and harassment. Then turn away,and continue your conversation.

Could someone please Critique my writing?

This is good, it could be longer though. Does the rest of your book provide sufficient information and length for this to be a fitting end?

How is it that the Humpty Dumpty story doesn't mention he is an egg?

We all know the famous nursery rhym but other than pictorial evidence why does the story not mention he is? And what is the moral to the stroy

What should i do with my kids? Answers URGENT?

you might try some serious discipline . ground them until the spears concert and teach them a lesson. Stop spoiling them and instruct your mom to do likewise. They obviously have no respect for you, your sister or your mother. god help you in a couple more years if you don't start getting control of them.

What is the real meaning behind Humpty Dumpty story?

It's a veiled parody of the fall from power of "Bonnie Prince Charlie" of England. "All of his horses and men couldn't put him back together again" indeed.

Can someone tell me if i a werewolf...?

well i have always been different then "normal" kids i have an invisible friend that i am just now coming to realize might be imaginary and that's not the worst of it around the middle of 9th grade i had a dream that a very skinny old man and a dog were standing by the road side when i walked by the man whispered something and i turned around to see what he said and his dog jumped up and sank his teeth into my left shoulder and had his massive paw pushing down on my face and when the pain became almost unbearable the man walked up tome and said ill help you if you help me with a evil smirk on his face and i agreed... i woke up sweating like crazy and i realized that my blinds up and when i looked out the window i saw the full moon and my shoulder started to hurt like crazy i ran into the bathroom to look at it and right were the dog bit me in my dream was a huge purple bruise i thought was still dreaming and went back to bed. the next morning i looked at my arm and the bruise was still there i thought maybe i slept on my arm wrong or something but ever since then i have had terrible nightmares of being chased by something and it always ends the same i get cornered and when i turn around before i see what it is i wake up i have gotten paler had trouble focusing my eyesight I've been extremely thirst but wont go in my pool any more and i don't know why? some times my eyes just start to water for no reason I've even gotten a taste for rare meat this all may sound stupid and a lot of this might be explained but there's more oh so much more... my knees have been bothering me a lot and also my elbows and i have this weird rash on my leg I've lost a lot of weight because i weighed about 200 pounds near the beginning of 9th grade and now i only weigh 167 again this all might be explained with something as simple as "your getting older" but there's even stuff i don't understand like i can here my dog whistle and its loud!! my fingers have grown about a half an inch especially my middle finger i have pushed away almost all my good friends leaving me with no one to talk to about this and oh yeah my dad wont me to go to Christan life for the next year and i started yelling at him and even felt like punching him in the face and he was being extremely calm about the situation and just recently i have been "attracted" to some dogs and girls call me weird but im trying to tell you everything i can think of and i think the last thing is that i would were my heavy black jacket in like 90 degree weather and i wouldn't be hot but if i took it off i would be cold and i use to were this silver ring my grand ma got me but i just wont touch it any more and the people i do tell ask me if i have a star marking o me and come to thin of it i do have this obsession with stars and last week when this girl at my work got cut on her leg all i could do is stare at the blood and the image of me being attacked by that dog came up in my mind... all i wont is help i don't wont to be cured of it but i also don't wont anyone to get hurt i heard that if you get counciling it helps but fat chance of that happening my dad thinks it's a joke oh and to you people out there who don't believe in werewolves just don't answer and that mean you lord bearclaw of Gryphon Woods i don't wanna here about the impossibilities i wont help!

First look "Memphis Beat Season 2 Episode 1" Premiere ?

"Memphis Beat" is The police mystery series. Now it season 2 return with some new episodes. It's “At the River” Season 2 Episode 1 Premiere was aired and it's ultimate. Finlay I'm planing to watch it once more time online and for that I'm finding a best source. The show underwent what Lee calls "a huge retooling" in the off season, and has returned with a new creative team, including new producers and writers. I have all the episodes of first season and last night i watched it's new season. Memphis Beat Season 2 Episode 1 (Premiere) and that was ultimate. I am crazy to watch Premiere again, but don't have any site. Can any one know any helpful source?


have been sat on such a high wall. Where were Health and Safety. Did he go to 'Injury Lawyers For You' and get compo and has that wall been taken down so that no more eggs go the same way.

My friend won't quit copying me! Help?

Talk to her about this, and say something like "I'm sure you don't mean anything by it, but I think this is threatening our friendship" then list all the stuff that's been going on like you did in your question. Then stop and ask her, "What's up with that?? First you don't like what I do, and then you do! It's ok if you don't like what I do. You can keep it to yourself or tell it to my face, I don't care. But don't don't DON'T contradict yourself! I want to stay friends with you, but it's been difficult lately. Please lay off? It would mean so much to me and the fact that we're friends." or something like that. Don't take it ALL the wrong way though; it just means you're a heck of a trendsetter:)

Suggestions for Nursery Rhymes?

Hey diddle, diddle, little miss muffet, hickory dickory dock, three blind mice, pat a cake, wee willie winkie.

Do you still have childhood dreams?

These dreams propel us, make us believe. Dreams give life sustenance, and childhood dreams delight. If I could be superman, or if I could be the Silver Surfer or Thor - is what composes the lights that shimmer in a child's eye.

What are some good Jobs I can get as far as being 21 years of age and Living in Memphis TN?

hat pay more then $9.00 an hour... And is an Entry Level position.. SO far I have found School bus driving one that pays $9.50.. Can anyone else help?

I need help finding a car?

I need a car in the Southaven, MS/ Memphis, TN area that's $6,000 or lower with around 100,000 miles or less. Preferably online and post the link to the car. Thank you!

Can anyone tell me what happend?!!!?

likely a reflection of a reflection. a passing car or sometimes a person wearing something shiny and metal will catch the light and if it reflects it over your eyes for the briefest of moments in passing that would account for a flash.

When are Band Of Horses coming back to Tennessee?

i know that they came back in 2010, and i just found out that they came on apr 9 to memphis and im pissed, so i wanna make sure i dont miss them next time. ive tried to find on their tour dates and i cant find anything. PLEASE someone help me out and let me know when they are coming back, or when its likley they will come back. thanks

What can this dream mean?

this dream generally indicates that you are experiencing some overwhelming turmoil or problems in your waking life. You are trying to disconnect yourself from the unbearable pain you are experiencing.

Who writes the books about fairy tale crime.?

They are fiction books about fairy tale crimes. I read them a few years ago form the library and they can't look up the history. The one I read was about humpty dumpty and who really killed him. There was a human detective and a fairy tale partner. It was a really good book and I can't remember the name or author. Anyone know?

How to get rid on my fat belly and love handles?

If you are looking for fast diet method, you can use my method. I lost 11 pounds in 4 weeks. If you are serious about diet you need to have a look this method. It is fast if you know correct info to do diet. You can get more info at link below.

My twin sis. and other members of the family keep pitting me down?

i have a twin who is always callin me names like ugly fat and pig and for some reason she calls me fat apartment lady? she always trys to be better than me. i am chubby but so is she, she weights the same?! then when i try something on she pretends to giggle and make fun of me, and she and mom whisper or laugh at me. shes always pushing me aroumd and getting in my stuff then when she tells me im ugly i say we look alike and she just says you wish im sick of it! same with my brother hes always saying rude things to me they are the reason i have a very loe self esteem i wont even start caring a purse cuz i know they will laugh at me. i feel worthless and fat i dont even feel like a girl sometimes cuz i imagine myself butt ugly :( i cant get away i have to share rooms with my twin plz help

Memphis Dry Rub Ribs?

We're gonna eat at Chili's later this week and I wanna try the Memphis Dry Rub Ribs.....are they any good? Thanks!!

Help me figure out this playstation game!?

Probably at least ten years ago I had this game for the playstation. I thought it was Looney Tunes but I can't find it on google. I remember Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny and the whole game was sort of a puzzle. You would have to go to different area to play games and they were all based on nursery rhymes. One was humpty dumpty, another was three little bears, little red riding hood..and you had to do something when you got to each place. I want to know what game this was!

Why does Humpty Dumpty have to sit on my wall?

He tried to block the wind...... and he fell and when they tried to put him back together again. He didn't go because they thought he went "crazy" and cracked.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Does sitting like a turk reveal anything about humpty dumpty's character?

No but it reveals a lot about the expectations of society when the comment was made or written down. The Ottoman Empire was very powerful and often a threat to Christian Europe right up to the Eighteenth Century. The turks in question were seen as the richest and sometimes the most powerful people in the world. Saying he sat like a turk is saying he was sitting in a relaxed manner.

Humpty Dumpty language found on word spy do you know what it means or can you guess?

Humpty Dumpty language? " I~l;e;; I a word," lhut+l?ty /)ttml?ly .said in a rather scom./'tU to;ze, "it mcott,s .it+st what I choose it to be.:)

Buy Or Sell: The New York Knicks are better than the Memphis Grizzlies?

Sell. They are close though. Memphis has a way better defense and they have a good offense (Their offense is not as good as the Knicks but it is close.).

I think i have a ghost in my house, he seems harmless..but could he turn out dangerous?

okay, so my family has lived in this house for 12 years now..and there was a old couple that lived their before us, the old man died and the wife moved so we bought the house. I have been moved out of their a year, and just moved back there. my sister, boyfriend and i live there alone its a 6 bedroom house so it huge. weve been noticing sister has seen a persons head move in the master bedrooms bathroom window one night when she pulled in one night late. she refuses to talk about it. then i was in the shower, and i heard a loud enough knock on the door to where i called my bf, he was in our room with the dog watchin tv, he swares up and down it wasnt him, i know somebody knocked that door, then the security thing on the window fell off when i went back in the the spirit messin with me or what?? we see shadows at night moving...the stares seem like someones walking on them, we hear somebody at our door at night sometimes...and our big black dog was staring at the hallway that goes straight up stares..she was barking and going nuts as if something was there..something shut the door when i was cooking one day, i left it open and all of a sudden the slide glass door jus slam shut so i walked in the den and our dog was jus looking up at me as if she didnt hear it or anything..we hear whispers and the cats even cry alot outside around the house...we are deff at the point of moving out, could he turn out dangerous?? or is he just living with us minding his own business?? or is their even a ghost?? we all belive in ghosts now, our house is quite and we feel like theirs a spirit no doubt. He hasnt hurt us or thrown **** or anything, but we just dont know. we wont mess with those wigi bored things..those just dont seem safe to use, im a christian and think they open portals to other deminsions. were scared well make him mad bringing a professional over to the house. WHAT do we do!!!?? please help


Ok Theres a local band In Memphis Tn Where I live called Crushing Juliet.. they are under an independent label called sunset records.. there music is available through itunes but you have to pay for it.. YES IM CHEAP!! MY JOB PAYS ME CRAP SO I CANT EVEN AFFORD THE 10 DOLLARS TO BUY THE ALBUM!! Well ive been looking for days and days consistently trying to find a place to download it. well i came across iMesh. i finally downloaded it!!! But Its in WMA format.. therefore it wont let me burn it to cd. i tried literally EVERY mp3 converter and it just WONT let me convert it. Its protected.. literally locked down like fort knox. I have a couple of questions.. for one is there ANYTHING that is COMPLETELY FREE that will convert every single song all the way through to mp3 format.. and if not is there ANY music downloading software that will have alot of local music in mp3 format? The name of the band is crushing juliet.. theres no torrents of them or ANYTHING!! I cant afford to pay for it so is there ANY way around this? either something that will break the lock to convert it all COMEPLETELY for FREE or maybe another type of music software I can find it on? PLZ HELP ME!!

Ive got a record, From warner bros, and its got robin hood written on both sides,?

the songs on it are pussy cat pusy cat and humpty dumpty, 45 RPM RH 178, and on the case its got Warner Bros, elektra and Atlantic, was wondering what it would be worth or where i could find a website to get a valueation done....

Where can I find Industrial clothes in Covington, Tennessee?

I want to dress up as an "Industrial girl" (I dont like steryotypes) for our school's tacky day :/ but I dont know where to buy any... help? Industrial is basicaly a "scene kid" going "goth" please no online stores, I cant buy offline, and any stores in the surrounding cities, go to google maps if you dont now where i am XD, I will be going on a shopping spree this summer to WolfChase( a huge mall in memphis) and going to Hot Topic, claires, spencers, pac sun, and JC Penny, then maybe khoals, and ross, please help!?!?!?!?

Was anyone else here traumatized at an early age by a movie that was supposed to be for kids...?

Mine was the brave little toaster. The air conditioner got so pissed it had a stroke. Petrifying. For real. The cars singing as they are eaten alive. Scary and horribly sad. My mom was always going to thrift shops just FULL of broken appliances just like those from the film. I would always think that some of them were hiding behind the other ones and watching me while whispering to each other.

Does he like me or no?

It's kinda obv he does and he only avoids you cuz he likes you. I mean it would be awkward if your standing next to some1 you liked and you don't know how to start a conversation.

When you say a bald guy with a big head, do you just think of an egg?

Am I the only one who thinks this. When you see those men, usually around their 40's or 50's who are bald, have a round/circular face and quite pale skin. I just instantly think of an egg. I just think "wow, his head must be so fragile... I wonder if he is like Humpty Dumpty"

Is this a good book chapter?

It's pretty good! You had some misspellings like when you said "Justin if you are here you needs to go" It should be need. But other than that it was really good. With more Development it will be a great story! Good Luck! Keep Writing!

Do french men hate black women?

I knew a french guy who was white and I always thought I saw him whispering about me but he has black male friends. Do white french men just hate black women and want to befriend black men?

My laptop speakers are doing random fluctuating sounds?

I just updated my laptop with the required updates and now when im watching someone on my laptop, the sounds keep changing from normal to like a whisper that sounds like is comming down a hall. what is going on? any idea of what is could be and how to fix it?

Why Do SO Many Children's Nursery Rhymes End with Something Tragic?

because most of them were not actually written for children, they were poems that talked about what was going on at the time, foe example, ring around the rosie, pockets full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down, this is about the bubonic plaque. ring around the rosie- rash , pockets full of posies-you carried flowers so you could hide the smell, ashes ashes we all fall down-death.

Why won't the NBA do something about all of its struggling teams?

it all depends on the ownership and the cities willingness to let go... which is always tough. but i wouldnt mind giving the clippers back to san diego

What do you think of my song lyrics?

Good:) I write songs myself. Anyway, it could just be because it needs sung but reading it alone there are a few parts where you could fix the rhyming and/or rhythm. If you know what I mean. Besides that , which really isn't all that important, pretty good! Keep it up and never give up on your dreams! :D

Humpty Dumpty was the egg of which bird?

Judging by the outfits he wore and that a delicate such as he climbed up on a wall makes me think he was a Dodo egg.

How's my country song lyrics?

Taylor Swift >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>… You

Amazon Kindle QUESTION!!?

Okay, so I wanna pre-order a book on my Kindle 2, when the book comes out will it be automatically put on my kindle via whisper net or will i have to do something to put it on my kindle????

What kind of poem is this? Free Verse or Sonnet? ?

Free verse. A sonnet has a specific meter and every other line least in elizabethan sonnets. It would also have a couplet at the end if it were a sonnet. Either way, this is definitely free verse because it has little to no "structure" or consistancy.

Hair standards for black cops?

My observation and I think this is racist (I do not think you are). I have seen black cops with braided hair protuding out of their hats. I have seen it with all assets of law enforcement agencies including Security. When I was a Security Officer I was told I had to cut my locks (I had beautiful long hair) but the black officer was able to keep his. My hair was always well kept (My wife was a hairdresser). It was because of his ethnicity I was TOLD. Total racial discrimination.

I get erections when I sag?

I love to sag my pants and show off my designer boxer briefs to the world. The one slight problem is my sagging makes me incredibly horny and I can't help getting boners which make a tent in the front of my boxers. Like Yesterday I was on the subway with my girlfriend and watching my sag in the train window gave me a ***** which showed. At one point my girlfriend whispered to me: 'Looks like your big boy's come out to play again Sam' causing me to get even harder. Do any other guys get horny when they sag?

Which Tennessee Zoo is better?

I will be stopping in TN in a few weeks and I was thinking about either going to the Memphis or Nashville zoo. Is one better then the other? Any other activities that you would recommend? Thanks!

Why Do SO Many Children's Nursery Rhymes End with Something Tragic?

it might be to introduce tragedy into children's lives early on so they don't take it as seriously, or the people who wrote them have devious minds.

In the Rhyme Humpty Dumpty, Why the heck would a horse try to put back together an EGG? How could it?

Some nursery rhymes were derived or associated with historic events (i.e. London Bridge & Ring a Ring o' Roses), If humpty dumpty meant anything other than an egg. Why the heck would a horse try to put it back together? Or what the horse could have meant in any other interpretation.

If your ex was leaving memphis to move to oaklahoma would you go see him before he left?

I have a boyfriend right now but my ex he was my first love.and he won't ever be coming back to Memphis again??

Do you think Disney should go back to making fairy tales and folk movies in cartoon form?

they should, and i agree with you, but some animated movies are becoming huge successess, such as despicable me and finding nemo. i personally think they should be doing both

Memphis, TN vs. Atlanta, GA?

I'm afraid that Memphis has a reputation as a high-crime city. Unemployment is high there which, I'm sure, contributes to the crime problem. You were in the tourist areas which are considerably different from the residential areas. You might want to do some research at on statistics for both cities.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why is Humpty Dumpty an egg?

Either the other answerers are missing the point, or I am... I thought the question was referring to the fact that it's never explicitly stated in the nursery rhyme that Humpty Dumpty is an egg, but we always assume him to be.

Having a dream about falling in love with a stranger? Interpretation please.?

that might mean that's how ur gonna get married, but in order for your chances to be higher, you must live ur life, don't even think about it.

I wrote a letter to my friend saying that I love him more than my own life, was it a good idea?

Seems like love alright, but you're putting a lot of pressure on him. He might feel that if he doesn't say I love you back that you'll be destroyed and might go suicidal. If he does love you then everything will be fine, but otherwise he has an indirect ultimatum in his lap.

Can this be a country song or dies it seem like a rap?

Lemme tell ya a secret, rap can be made into country just make it rhyme and make sense can be the same song with nothing changed, and country same way, these lyrics can be either rap or country but it seems more like country hope i help probbaly didn't but I answered

Why was Humpty Dumpty on a wall he could not get down from in the fist sake?

I think the point was that he fell accidentally out of carelessness, *not* because he was stuck up there with no way to get down.

What happen to my favorite resteraunt?!?!?

Does any body know y the owners of guacamaya's mexican resteraunt closed it!?!?! ps. the resteraunt is in memphis/bartlett,tennessee

Why do nursery rhymes have such a frightening/weird origin?

Nursery rhymes are an imaginative way of introducing kids to the world's harsh reality. Contrast that with "progressive" schoolmarms indoctrinating kids with trendy, pop kulchur nonsense--which prepares them for nothing on this earth.

I dont want to be a loner.....?

our registration leader at school left so our registration group got split up and placed in other groups,which have about 30 students in,anyways i only have one friend in my new group and shes being a ***** latley,i know we only stay in them for 20 minutes a day but it sucks,so my friend is going to barcelona for a week next week and i dont want to be a loner on my own,most of them are boys and there are about 5 other more girls but 2 are backstabbing tarts that think im weird and the other two are retards who whisper about everything,should i just bunk off in the toilets?

Atheists a question for you?

Is your point that atheists believe there is no resurrection from death or simply that atheists are clumsy?

10points best answer****?

I like the over all story of the song but it kind of jumps around... you could try to repeat a couple thigns a little more. Also, its talking about one thing, and then its talking about something else, keep it flowing.

Do you think this is a good start for a teen/tween novel?

I'm loving it :D Keep writing! I was hooked and I wanna see what happens soooooo bad. It's a great story and plot and I'm dying to read more :)

Let's talk baby names! ?

Gals-mercedes Lynn,madelyn Claire,Avery brianna,Sharon Beth,nataleigh isobelle,shyla Leigh,Hagan Blythe,kaydence brianne,bryla Fay,sarah-jessica brooke,avah brooke,Karla LeAnn,kiersten reese. Boys-charles Jacob,Memphis rhett,Hudson Carter,Reed Andrew,Cody Benjamin,Nathaniel Aaron

Locals or people who have done this: driving along the blue ridge mountain parkway to memphis?

hello- i am driving from philadelphia to memphis via the blue ridge mountain parkway and was wondering if anyone knew of any places to eat, stay, check out, ect... also if you know of any local ledgend type things along this route let me know as well... ty for the tips... cheers

What should i do with my kids? Answers URGENT? More info added?

I guess the upbringing wasn't strict enough, that sorry to say your daughters have climb over your head in another word spoilt brats. Punishments should be given at the correct timing. Eg. When they complain the dirtiness make them clean it. Wasting the marshmallows, make them pay for it etc. There's many ways to control those situation but you kind of let them slip. I'm not a mom, but i'm the eldest in the family. My aunt have issues with her kids to. I manage to control them. From them i learn that you have to be very firm, to show your daughters that you cannot be pushed.

What City Do I Belong In?

Im 18 and I will be getting a marketing degree. After college I was wondering on where i would move.Im a huge sports fan and they are important to me so that's a factor.Also Im wondering about cost of living, job market, and how the people are. I live in Memphis but, I was wanting to move up North preferably but I will move south if needed. Size of an apartment isnt important to me but i would rather live without roomates. Any advice is appreciated.

Which subwoofers would go best with my truck?

I have a 2001 chevy silverado extended cab, and im looking to get 2 ten inch subs. I have polk audio door speakers. Im trying to decide between JL audio, Memphis subs, and rockford fosgate. Along with an amplifier.

What Kind of mushroom is this? Is it edible or poisonous?

I have no idea, but I just came to say - don't believe 100% what people say. There's strangers answering after all.

N Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?

Most people refer to him as an egg, but I don’t see the word "egg" in the nursery rhyme at all, so why do people think he’s an egg?

Need help with this dam comparative essay?

Hi there. There is a site that you can post your questions at it is called you can also earn money answering questions there too. It is free to join.

What was your worst camping experience?

Hi. My husband and I decided to take 6 kids camping with us and 2 of them were mine. The rest were my nieces aged from 6-13. My kids Lizzy age 2 and Maddie age 4 and my nieces Alayna age 6, Nicole age 10, Jaymee age 11 and Britney age 13. I am 28 myself and my husband is 29. We decided since Alayna, Nicole and Jaymee haven't seen Britney since 2009 (Britney moved, but shes moved back into the area) we would take them all camping, BAD IDEA. Well lets start from the begining, we were packing up for 1 weeks trip. All of that food, blankets, pillows, toys etc. We filled up 2 cars with all that stuff (we took 3 total). So we get all packed up and leave. Now Britney has never been camping before. As soon as we got up there Nicole, Jaymee and Britney went to the bathroom and complained about how dirty it was and was recording on the phone saying "the camp store is cleaner than those bathrooms". Then they were talking in hillbilly voices (ANNOYING) and wouldnt shut up while me and my husband were trying to put up our trailer tent. They were singing very loudly with hillbilly voices. Then all the little kids were throwing fits because some couldnt sit by Britney and blah blah blah (They did this alot). Then they argued over who got the tenis racket (we only ahd 3) and the younger kids were screaming and crying because the older kids wouldnt give them turns. Then we let them take a walk on their own before dinner was ready (all together) and who-ever was the "brilliant one" and decided to teach the little kids to knock over port a pottys and chase golfcarts and it was raining too and i went to go look for them and they were going to the place where they tell you what activites there is to do that night (WE TOLD THEM BEFORE WHAT ACTIVITES THERE WAS) and i picked up the little kdis in my car there was no room for the big kids so i made them walk and (stalked them) to make sure they go back to the tent. Then we took them to the park and they were argueing over the teet or tot and my daughter got a splinter and it strated pouring it was horrible, Went back to the tent. Then Nicole wanted to sleep by Britneyy tonight (they stay upo and talk and giggle so NO). She has the biggest fit ever and cried and said "your not the boss of me" and "im not eating " and "my mom made me come on this trip i didnt want to i hate you" and she called her mom and asked to be picked up (Her mom refused to drive because the campsite was 2 1/2 hours away and it was 7pm). So then we ate dinner and they went to the creek now my 2 year old daughter was scared to walk in the water and Jaymee was holding her and asked help from Nicole and Britney but they just left them and went up more in the creek, that irratated me. Then they went to roast marshmellows and burnt everyone of them ON PURPOSE (the older kids im talking about) so it was in the fire. I yelled at them. So theyw ent into the camper. There bed was being help up by 2 steel rods and they jumped ON PURPOSE (they know not too) and one cracked so we yelled at them. Then we went to bed from 9pm-12:30am they were up ALL NIGHT (dont ask why i have NO IDEA they woke me and my husband up, we didnt have any sleeping pills either) shaking the camper, bouncing up and down, making fart noises, whispering, laughing, getting in and out of the camper being OBNOXIOUS (the OLDER kids not the younger ones). Then at 4:30am Nicole was yelling "lets gather around the campfire and sing our campfire song" in a hillbilly voice. I yelled at them to go to bed and this is never happening again and were leaving tomorrow. I turned the TV off at 1:00am so they were doing this in pitch blackness. The little kids were asleep the whole time NOT US. We yelled at them constantly but they didnt care. So the next day we got the lil ones up at 6am and ate breakfast and went golfing (mini golfing) and i dont know why i wasted the 10$ on the older kids cuz they were being smarta$$es and using their hands (video recording it) and going on seperate courses cuz they didnt wanna wait for the lil ones. They said to me in a hillbilly voice "wasnt that a great game of golf arnt we the best golfers" Then we went past a sign that said have a beary good day and theyre like "aunt zoey r u having a beary good day" and saying beary after EVERYTHING they said. We told them to pick up the ground before we left they threw everything in the fire and video recorded it (That made me furious) so I told them to go to the car. They are the most disgustingest people ever. They didnt bring deodarent ON PURPOSE and lifted their arms up (they were sitting there for 45 minutes and doors wer shut) My car windows were foggy and oh my god we had to air out the car i made them leave all the doors open and sprayed them with febreeze for 10 minutes. Then Nicole lifted her arms up again while we were driving I yelled at her. We went home the next day (The OLDER KIDS were TERRIB

MJ family, will you forgive me?

I would like to apologize to all MJ fans, and Michael himself if he were here. I believed up until recently that the allegations were true. My investigative journalism (i.e. youtube searches on the facts of his case) have led me to believe otherwise. I decided to look into his case and attempt to figure out what actually happened. As a supporter of the West Memphis Three I completely regret my rash decisions as well as my actions and I am ashamed of them. I am whole-heartedly sorry for judging this man based upon the media's portrayal. His music still sucks in my opinion, but I will never again harass an MJ supporter.

Has anyone else noticed?

yeah, ive been thinking the same thing for so long its radiculous, women used to carry weight on the hips and thighs (pear shapes) now we carry it in our chests and tummies (apple shapes) which isnt as healthy either, i actually noticed this because despite being a b-cup my friends all tease me for being flat chested and i tease them for having no bums :-b

World Of Warcraft help?

best advice i can give is find a leveling/social guild. Most of these are very helpful and love getting new people to play with. Just go to a major city(ex. Stormwind or Ironforge), and say in the chat that you are looking for a leveling guild and you should find one in no time.

School talent show, would u let me dance to a pop korean song called "Her Whisper is The Lucifer"?

M'kay, I want to audition for the school's talent show and I'll be dancing to a korean pop song called Her Whisper is The Lucifer. (I live in Canada btw) All they say is "Her whisper is the Lucifer" and they also say Lucifer after saying some korean stuff. I go to a roman catholic school from junior kindergarten to Gr.8. Here's the song: a href="…" rel="nofollow"…/a Would you let me dance to it if you were the teacher who held the auditions?

Okay I think I am officially crazy?

I have not slept in 3 days and I'm starting to hear things just random whispers that I can't even understand (Yes I have insomia) and yeah this is the fourth night already midnight..

Do you think this is a good opening to a book?

I think its good :) I"m no english major so I won't be able to criticize, but I was really into it and wanted to read more when I got finished. Keep writing, I think you've got something good going on!

Looking for work place laws in Memphis, Tn?

I'm trying to find some information on laws that deal with work place conditions. Most of all laws dealing with if they need to provide working air condition.

I have visions at night ?(20 characters)?

So, mostly at night when i'm about to sleep, i always have a vision that i'm in this house . and i always do the same thing in the vision that i have . i always open one door and see a dead body . then go downstairs . and theres always someone saying 'come here' in a whispering voice . no joke i'm serious bout these visions .

Can I run my 4 interior speakers off a 2channel kenwood amp I have?2 front doors to 1ch and 2rear deck to 1ch?

Have a kenwood kac-7205 and dont wana buy another amp if I dont have to.. Want to run my 2fronts (Alpine Type S 50watt Rms 150peak i believe not totaly sure) and 2rear deck (Memphis Pr-692 60watts Rms 120peak) if I remember right the kenwood puts out 170watts per channel at 4ohms and 500watts at 4ohm bridged, niw I figured half of 170watts wuld be 85watts so figured both the alpine and memphis culd handle 85watts a piece seeing that im not over the peak power or wuld running 2speakers in 1channel not break the 170watts in half like would I end up with an uneven amount? Is it even possible? Culd I damage my speakers? PLEASE HELP with any info/links if possible Thanx so much in advance to whoever can help me!

Ok so my sister is pregnant with a girl and wants to name her mckenly/ mckinley but her husband wants memphis?

She should be able to name her child whatever she wants, trendy or not. She's the one who has to carry it and go through labor. If her husband wants memphis soooo bad they can use it as a middle name. Makinley Memphis. Not the best, but it could work.

Does anyone else have this...?


What do you think of my story?

I think it could be really good, I mean if you expand upon it. It's a really interesting story and got my attention. I like the format you used, doing the whole flashbacks deal. It's cool. I really enjoyed it.

Childhood dream, need help!?

This dream makes perfect sense to me. Your dream is about your wedding and finally meeting the man you love and finally you have someone that you love and so now he can take the place as your husband in your dream. The dream is telling you what you already know that you love Tim and think he could possibly be someone you could see yourself with down the line...doesn't mean your going to get married, just that you think he's "marriage material". Hope this helps. :)

Help. Can't find the song im thinking of.I think its a early 2000 trance I THINK more info?

the only thing lyrics i can remember from the song is 'ooooooohwoaaaaa i think im going crazy'. The video is about a guy that looks like an egg or humpty dumpty trying to sell a song he has but no one likes it and theres a mouse in the cartoonish video with black shades. In the end of the video all i can remember is that the mouse shoots off into outter space. HELP PLEASE ITS ANNOYING ME i think the song was out around 1999 or 2000 around that time.

When God speaks to you using language, is it always like a whisper in your mind?

When you ask questions of God, does he ever answer in complete sentences, or is it usually "yes" or "no" to your inquires?

What state does this tag come from?

I got a red light camera ticket from some crap town called Memphis, TN. I have not been there in over 10 years. The license plate number is the same number of a tag I had in 1998. I don't have that tag any longer and it expired in 98. I saw the picture they sent me and it is a customized tag from some state, but it does not look like a Tennessee tag. I went to Tennessee's website to look for a tag that is decorated like the one in the photo and there are none that look like that being sold currently. What states have a bear on their customized tags? It looks like a bear holding balloons with a bunch of other stuff that is too blurry to make out. I can't read the state's name either. Some states put the name of the state at the bottom and not the top. I can't read anything but the 4 standard sized numbers. Have you seen a tag like this?

Cheaper to fly from Knoxville to Phoenix with a layover in Memphis than to Memphis Directly?

I am looking at tickets to go from Knoxville to Memphis but the flights are super expensive roughly $450. However if I book a ticket to go from Knoxville to Phoenix it is only $150 and has a layover in Memphis. If I don't check in any bags and just have a carry on, could I just not board my connecting flight to Phoenix and be okay? I don't have a return flight to Knoxville to be canceled by the airline so no worries there.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Perhaps a fools journey intruding, will you comment at least?

I know you have been attacked her and I sympathize. But never let it keep you from telling stories to those who like to hear them. This was lovely. Best wishes to you and yours.

What's your favorite dish?

Fried shrimp and fried oysters with french fries and cole slaw. I don't eat it that much though. Second favorite is fried chicken, baked mac n cheese and collard greens.

When does/did the horror movie Humpty Dumpty come out?

so during the summer i saw an add for a horror movie called humpty dumpty, i have seen no more info on it since, and i have no clue when it comes out...any ideas? anybody who has heard of this even?

Dealing with a bully?

I'm a girl and there is this boy who cannot stop insulting me and making fun oh everything I say. he's always embarrassing me on purpose by calling me fat and saying my face is ugly and stuff like that. I am not afraid of him because we've known each other since year 1. its really hurtful though and I hate getting embarrassed. whenever I go over to my group of classmates and he'd be there too, he'd whisper loudly to people left and right saying something like "she's such a loner, keep ignoring her." I don't get why he's so mean. I asked him that a few times and he went "I don't CARE about people's 'feelings'." I'm planning on slapping him next time he insults me really badly. is that a right thing to do?

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall?

you'd like to think that's how he broke into pieces by fallin off the wall... why do u think is name is HUMPty

How can I heighten my clairaudient ability?

First off I'm not on any drugs so no smart *** answers please. My godmother is a professional spiritual psychic and has told me I have a little esp going on and other manifestation gifts I just am not in the positive mind frame to master them right now. The gift is from God and when I am in a negative state I hear negative entities...For the past 4 or 5 years about a few times a week, I've been hearing conversations of spirits or people that moved on when I'm either relaxed, alone, or about to fall asleep. Sometimes I get so scared that I freeze up and block out the voices. I hear usually multiple voices speaking either to each other or whispers to me. I don't hear it threw my ears more like i hear them talking to me threw the temples of my head. Does anyone have any advice for me on how I can master my gifts and use them when I want and when I want to shut them off.

Has Jason Lee lost weight? He looks thinner (and great) on 2011 Memphis Beat.?

I don't know. Maybe he gained weight for his role as Earl. However, outside of that show he has always looked thin. I watch all of his skateboarding stuff and he has always been in good shape.

What is the mean of this nursery rhyme? Humpty Dumpty?

This nursery rhyme was originally meant to be a riddle. It had elements of wordplay in it. In the 1800's, a "Humpty Dumpty" was an alcoholic beverage. But a slang word from that time also placed the meaning of "Humpty Dumpty" into a ridiculously clumsy person. A person would have survived the fall, but an egg (as Humpty Dumpty was often portrayed) couldn't have. This riddle is now more commonly used as a nursery rhyme, as the riddle is now easier to solve.

Which U.S. cities are at the highest risk for a major earthquake?

I would imagine it would be along the San Andreas Fault (San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco) or the New Madrid Fault (Saint Louis, Memphis). If you have a list, please post it! Thanks!

Does this girl like me or does she would want nothing to do with me?

Nobody can know if she likes you but her, so you will just have to ask her yourself. No need to go all Edward Cullen about it, just ask her if she would like to go out to eat/movie/put-put/... with you and see what she says. The true test will be when you both go to separate schools. If you are meant to be together, it will work out. If not, there will be someone else who will be happy to find your sexy, studly, intelligent self!

Why do YOU think nursery Rhymes have sad endings?

Humpdy Dumpty, Jack and Jill, Pop goes the weasel, Hickory Dickory dock, Ring around the Rosey, you name it!

Toddlers & Tiaras photo studio in Michigan?

what was the name of the photography studio that isabella from memphis michigan went to on Toddlers & Tiaras?

Chances that the U.S. economy can "grow it's way back" to it's pre-2007 Standard of Living? -- MORE BELOW --?

For 130 years the us economy has been growing at nearly the same rate measured over business cycles, we even returned to the long term trend line after the depression. I find it difficult to believe that this time will be different so I think a). see a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Just why in the world was Humpty Dumpty sitting on that wall and why did he have that great fall?

He fell because he was sitting on that wall, but I don't know why that was. Pretty dumb thing for an egg to do.

What would've happened in a Dallas vs Memphis playoff series?

Memphis still has no one who can match up with Dirk so down the stretch you'd still have him going crazy down the stretch and killing you. I originally thought that the above average-elite perimeter defenders on Memphis would be able to really hurt Dallas but in hindsight Dallas was able to stay productive against Lebron and Wade who are very good defenders. Tyson Chandler and Haywood (if he stayed healthy) could bang bodies with Randolph and Gasol and could limit them to manageable numbers. I still pick Dallas over Memphis.

School talent show, would u let me dance to a pop korean song called "Her WHisper is The Lucifer"?

M'kay, I want to audition for the school's talent show and I'll be dancing to a korean pop song called Her Whisper is The Lucifer. (I live in Canada btw) All they say is "Her whisper is the Lucifer" and they also say Lucifer after saying some korean stuff. I go to a roman catholic school from junior kindergarten to Gr.8. Here's the song: a href="…" rel="nofollow"…/a Would you let me dance to it if you were the teacher who held the auditions?


I have a Memphis 12"rockford sub 250 watts rms and its dvc and is wired at 2like ohms then I have a Rockford r1 12" 150 watts rms and 4 ohms cuz its svc. I hooked both of em up to me kicked amp on the same positive and negative terminals and I have a kicker 250 watt mono block amp that delivers 140 watts rms at 4ohms and 250 rms at 2ohms .the subs sound great and pound and I have them in different boxes but I was just wondering how much power each sub is getting and is this doing any harm? The amp runs just as cool too

Ultimate Car Sound System?

I have heard memphis. They're not so hot on sound quality but they can get somewhat loud. Personally, I would order a different brand off Ebay and then get them installed. If you really want me to help you out you can email me at and I can pick out everything you need within your price range.

How much is medication abortion?

anyone live in Memphis area and has had a medication abortion with planned parenthood? needing to know exactly how much it cost I know nationwide is $300-$800



My friend acts different around me with other friends over. What should I do?

So, I'm 13, and I have this really close friend I knew since I was 4. Over the years, we met new people and we hang out with different groups in school. Usually after school (when school was still on), I would go to her house just to hang out then I would walk home. We would be a great match when we were alone with no one else, but when my friend is over or if her friend is over, we don't get along that well. So like today, my friend's friend (lets call my friend Camille and her friend Annabelle) came over today when I was over. Both Camille and Annabelle excluded me from whatever they were doing. Of course, we went in the pool, and when I got my "bathing suit" on (I really just wore rags I found out of my drawer because I don't feel comfortable about my body) and walked into the pool, Annabelle started whispering to my friend, and I knew it was about me. Since my friend has a sister a year younger than my younger sister, my younger sister came over (she's 9, turning 10 in November). I just chilled with my younger sister most of the time and her friend because the older girls were excluding me. So when I was walking by to get my towel (I was getting out of the pool), I heard Annabelle say quietly to Camille, "Why is she hanging out with girls 4 years younger than her? She so weird," that really got me pissed. And they knew why I wasn't hanging out with them! I really want to talk to Camille about Annabelle and how she's treating me, but then Camille would just get all defensive. I also tried talking to my mother about this problem, and since I go over her house when she's usually at work (my older brother and his friends always bother me, so I don't stay at my house) she said she'll try to talk to Camille's mother and tell her if Annabelle's coming over the day I'm coming over, Annabelle and her mother will have to make other arrangements because I have no other choice. Otherwise, I need more help. What should I do/say to my friend?

What happened to Humpty Dumpty chips in CANADA 10 Points?

I haven't had some for years and they are my favorite. I know Old Dutch bought them out and that some Humpty Dumpty chips still remain in the original package (ringolo) but what about Ketchup, Dill Pickle, Salt and vinegar...etc. Are they in the old dutch bags do they have the same taste? I noticed they have different varieties like Baked and kettle I AM SO Confused ???

Should the Memphis Grizzles get rid of Rudy Gay?

Yes. Memphis Grizzlies fans,staff, and players shouldn't be satisfied with an 8th seed every single year. Time to get rid of Gay and Zach Randolph. You could get some great cash, draft picks, and for sure good prospects. Someone of these two statures could be real good for a promising team like the Chicago Bulls for Rudy Gay. A team that needs a lights out shooting guard. That would take their team to the promise land to a title. But of someone of Zach Randolph's ability needs to go to a team like the Oklahoma City Thunder. A young team who has true finals potential. That extra 13 points a game would pay off in dividends.

Juvenile Magistrate...what should happen?

I am wondering what should happen to a parent that doesnt do what a court orders in a Juvenile court? I am going through a custody case in Memphis Tennesse in Shelby County and the mother has NOT done what the court ordered but seems like they are letting her get away with it! Isnt there some laws that state that she should get contempt or something? Where could I find this information that is procedure?

Can you make up a new ending to this nursery rhyme?

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the Kings Horses and All the Kings men______?

I order an att phone friday they said i'm suppose to reiceve it on wednesday but i'm getting an email telling?

me its in usps in memphis tn and pass through and left around 7pm today doesn't that mean i'm still gonna be able to get the package tomorrow?.

Why do we sing children such violent songs?

the ring around the roses is about the plague in england anyway that is soo true I never realised that lol

What do you think of this kiss scene?

It is great so far but I think you need to flesh it out a bit more....still worth pursuing and Well done...makes you think.....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Where in the Nursery Rhyme does it say Humpty Dumpty was an Egg?

According to Martin Gardner, in The Annotated Mother Goose, the Humpty Dumpty rhyme is a riddle. Riddling rhymes were a popular source of entertainment for many centuries. The answer to the Humpty Dumpty riddle is, of course, "an egg."

Attention All Audiophiles! SQ Subwoofer Choices!!!!!!!!?

Audiophiles? I think that term and this kind of car audio are incompatible, at least as far as the term "audiophile" is used in contemporary parlance. I can't speaker for anything except the Dayton T MkIII as the others don't give T/S perimeters - or if they do I didn't find any on any of the sites I looked at. Quite frankly I didn't look too hard as such "unimportant details" are usually not published by car audio manufacturers. The Dayton will work, and with that port it will be + 7dB at 60 Hz and have an F3 of 40 Hz. A closed box will give you a flatter response with the same F3.

What state has a customized plate with a bear on it?

I got a red light camera ticket from some crap town called Memphis, TN. I have not been there in over 10 years. The license plate number is the same number of a tag I had in 1998. I don't have that tag any longer and it expired in 98. I saw the picture they sent me and it is a customized tag from some state, but it does not look like a Tennessee tag. I went to Tennessee's website to look for a tag that is decorated like the one in the photo and there are none that look like that being sold currently. What states have a bear on their customized tags? It looks like a bear holding balloons with a bunch of other stuff that is too blurry to make out. I can't read the state's name either. Some states put the name of the state at the bottom and not the top. I can't read anything but the 4 standard sized numbers. Have you seen a tag like this?

When we take religion too seriously, how often can it lead to unreasonable fear of others?

Religion sadly can make enemies (lot's of other things can to.) Catholics burned witches at the stake or simply killed them because they were scared of them. Witches never did anything wrong. (I know because I am a wiccan and it is simalar to witch) Satanists are thought to be mean people because of their belief but someone I know met a satanist and he was actually quite nice. Catcholics and Christians thought that they were the only religion that was correct and all of the others were stupid or wrong. To sum it up it leads to fear and hate of others quite often when those people are really serious about their eligion.

I'm scared of the answer, but I need to know. Am I bipolar?

Don't get an internet diagnosis, get a real doctor's help. Just talk to your doctor about everything you put in this description.

Sweet 16 and the memphis peabody.?

Alright so this november i will be tuning 16. I wanted a sweet 16 dance party and i thought what better place then the peabody? I was wondering if they had any rooms that were suitable for this (and i know its crazy) but could you rent the rooftop for a night? Also how much would a room be for one night? Lastly if the peabody is not an option, what other places would be awesome to host a sweet 16 at?

Cartoon on envelope (PLEASE HELP NEEDED TODAY)?

So my dad always puts a funny cartoon on the back of a birthday envelope it looks a bit like a Humpty Dumpty does anyone know where i can find a picture of it so i can put it on my dads birthday envelope P.s His birthday is today

A weird dream about a demon, help?

well, maybe it was just a dream, and maybe you're watching too many scary movies, but just don't worry about it for now, but if it gets worse, then maybe you should see someone.

I wanna tongue kiss him !!!!?

So I like this boy and we go to camp together we're teens so in the morning we are in the teen room by our selfs ... We don't do anything but you know kinda touch and feel alittle . But I put on a "social networking site" that I wanted to kiss him so I could hint it .the next day he was more ...touchy feely .... Waist hugging ... Whispering Side conversations ... And he was laying on top of me when I fell sleep on bean bags and asked if I wanted to now but there were people and its actually my first (tongue kiss) so I didnt want people there so stood off ... But he asked if we could tomorrow morning and I said tea cuz I mean ... Its summer I wanna do something . But I need just alittle more insight . like tongue motions ... Anything to kinda take the nerves away . What ACTUALLY goes on not just "go with it" and I'm not gonna tell him its my first time ... Soooo if you can help me out sure appreciate it (:

Can you suggest me bands like Memphis May Fire?

sorry dont kno them but try listenin to muse or green day or paramore in my opinion they r good bands

What is so good about the women of Y!AP...?

What a wonderfull tribute to the ladies of Yahoo-ville. Cuz everybody knows ... behind every man is a woman - rolling her eyes. =)

Mtg: when to equip artifacts?

Some artifacts like whisper silk cloak say you can only equip it as a sorcery. Does that mean for an artifact like strider harness i can equip it whenever i want because it doesn't say equip only as a sorcery?

What is humpty dumpty?

Humpty Dumpty was a cannon on the walls of Colchester in 1648 to defend the town that was hit and fell from the wall and could not be put back up again due to its weight.

What do you think? I'm pretty proud of it so far.?

I don't want to sound mean but it didn't sound intersting. I read the fist few lines and got board... Sorry. Maybe you should add more detal or something. Reading this made me get a head ache. But don't stop writing you will alwasy get better. So keep trying next time maybe write something alittle more intersesting. AND try and not put stuff on the internet some one can still it.

What did Jesus mean when he said "You shall be perfect, just as your father in heaven is perfect Matt 4:48?

Well look at it this way... God made us in his image... and we are not perfect... there for he is not perfect... do u honestly think some of his choices were the best choice? for example when he "flooded the world". but that never happened... it was probably only a small part of the world that flooded... possibly like a mini tsunami or something...

Did Humpty Dumpty fall or was he pushed? Is this a cold case file that should be reopened?

I think toast soldiers were behind it but my mind is scrambled at the moment so keep quiet because if i'm wrong i will be left with egg on my face

Dog i just adopted seriously overweight?

so i adopted a 1 and a half yr old female golden retriever today. I have a 8 month old male german shepherd and for the most part they are getting along good. My male is a pest but they've been playing good. So my question is how do you get a dog to lose weight? My german shepherd is perfect. I've had him since he was 9 weeks old, but I just adopted a female golden retriever and she is way over weight. The owners said they didn't have time to walk her or anything so that's why they got rid of her plus she is to big and the lady has some illness and can't handle a big dog. So i take my male out twice a day and walk for 45 min. Or i take him to my dad's farm to let him run. Will that be enough for my golden to lose some weight? She really looks like humpty dumpty.

Did Dinah represent Humpty Dumpty in Alice Through the Looking-Glass?

Alice at the end of the story said "Tell me Dinah, did you turn to Humpty Dumpty? I *think* you did-- however, you'd better not mention it to your friends just yet, for I'm not sure.". Her kittens, Snowdrop and Kitty, did 'turn into' the White Queen and the Red Queen. So, did Dinah turn into Humpty Dumpty? Thanks.

Is Humpty Dumpty the ultimate cold case file? Did he jump or was he pushed?

Finally, after all these years one of the King's horsemen has agreed to talk leaving the others shell shocked.

Babylon is twice fallen: "is fallen, is fallen". Is the 2nd a Humpty Dumpty fall or allegorically Law Law?

Tommy Two Times wrote that part of the bible. He would say everything two times; that's how he got his nickname.

What music is played in the movie "Happy Feet" shortly after Memphis drops the egg and before the sun comes?

There's this heart touching music played in the movie "Happy Feet" after Memphis drops the egg and before the sun rise. What it's called? It's in girls voice idk if it's score or the soundtrack. Please tell me if anybody know. Thanks in advance.

Is this trade worth it?

My friend wants to trade 1 Memphis mojo 10 and a 3000 watt lanzar amp with 2 super tweeters and 6 more tweeters and wiring and and free instillation for my 13 in mac book that worth it really?

My voice puts me off rapping?

ok i rap just for a hobby. like i would recored my self rapping with an instrumental background. yes i know its sad. but anyways i have a very droll voice. and when i listen to it iam out of tune and i sound terrible. i never thought u would need singing ability to rap. when i listen to what i have done i get embaressed and no longor want to rap. and i dont want to put on an accent becuse i dont want to be like a person who thinks he is a hard man. and i try to be as clear as i can be. but when i playback the tape iam well mumbling. so what do i do. and if i sounded like any rapper it would be humpty dumpty from digital underground thats how bad my voice is. and i reached purbety a long time ago. iam not a 13 year old tenneger. so what do i do.

Does the guy I work with like me or not?!?

So, this guy I work with asks me if I'm going out every weekend, he's even jokingly said we should leave work and just go hang out. He's also said I should transfer to his school ( he lives in Memphis, but he's down here visiting his brother for the summer.) My friend wants me to ask him out and I have asked him to hang out, just not alone. I invited him to go out for my friends birthday and he's going. I'm just confused! :S It's driving me nuts not knowing if he likes me or not! Help!

What's your new name?

Leighton Elodie || Sylvester Jovi. Yuck! My girls name is just trendy unisex, though Elodie is OK. The boys name is just like my parents were the biggest Sly Stallone and Bon Jovi fans =P. I DO like both, but not THAT much.

What should i do with my kids? Answers URGENT?

A day at the spa maybe? A kiddie spa , the little kid (6) will love it and the older kids(10,11,13) will feel mature. Hope i helped !!

So it looks like blatter has won his match then ..?

Totally agree, they an embarrassing disgrace. Frightening to think they are "running" football. How could the ethics committee say Blatter not guilty when there was no time for an investigation? How much money is changing hands? Anyone know how much we are paying those to**ers?

What was the name of the song at the end of last week's Memphis Beat?

I watched Memphis Beat for the first time last week. I loved the song he sang at the end. Anybody know the name of it and where I can find it online? Thanks.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Help! I need the name of this book..?

I had it when I was younger and lost it but I really would like to have it again. I don't remember the name or publishing company. But I do remember It was a book of fairy tales and nursery rhymes it was a very large hardback white book. I believe it had humty dumpty on the cover as well as mother goose and the little mermaid on the top part she was in the form of a air spirit... There was alot more on it but I just can't remember. My mom bought it for me around 1999 I think.. The stories were not Disney versions they were originals.. It had stories like the little mermaid, Rapunzel Rumpelstiltskin and nursery rhymes in it.

Do french men hate black women?

I knew a french guy who was white and I always thought I saw him whispering about me but he has black male friends. Do white french men just hate black women and want to befriend black men?

What should i do with my kids? Answers URGENT?

this is not a health related question, and is not appropriate according to the guidelines of this site

How old do you think DOЯA the explorer is?

do not tell her this: *whisper* she sells drugs, i saw her yesterday smuggling it into boot's crack hole ^_^

Why do I feel my furniture is against me? PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!?

Cool. Take it as a gift, I'm extremly lonely and wish I had things that could take to me. They are probably going to put you on medication and make it go away. Why that happen? I have no ideal maybe it's skizsophenia (I know I spelled that wrong).

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall humpty dumpty had a great?

........................................… dumpty had a great FALL. Yes they tried to jump but couldn't dare to jump and ...........fear of injury broken their courage .A down fall of great human value...i.e.courage.

Why is it in children nursery rhythms?

They probably copied it from Bruders Grimm. ( Brothers Grim) german "bed time stories" to scare children in doing the right thing.

I found a baby anteater in my yard...?

What should I do? I put it in a cage and it's in my closet right now. I gave it some water in my dog's old bowl. My family isn't home right now but they will be in a few hours. I looked it up and I found that they live in rain forests and stuff, but I live in Memphis, Tennessee. Also, what should I feed it?

Using the second law of thermodynamics...?

Using the second law of thermodynamics, explain why it si very difficult to unscramble an egg. who was humpty dumpty? why did his moment of glory illustrate the second law of thermodynamics?

Does it look like I will get this package tomorrow? Or will I have to pick up at post office?

Priority Mail is delivered to your home on Saturday. If it needs a signature though, you need to be home to sign.

My boyfriend might smoke what am i supposed to do?

okay well so far me and my boyfriend have been going out for four days. its been great i like him alot but today me n my 2 best friends were n my pool n we were talkin bout random stuff n i told them that he was bugging me and asking me if i would kiss him well then they started whispering n i was laughing about it coz i thought they were making fun of me for not kissing him well turns out thats not what they were talking bout they said that they(my b/f n my two best friends and my b/f"s big bro) were walking down to my house the other night to hang out n my boyfriends brother pulled out a cigarette n gave it to him n he smoked it(hm meaning my b/f) i had no idea that he smoked n it bothers me alot because half of my family is dead not necessarily because of smokin cigarettes but drugs n i dont want him to end up that way i want to talk to him bout it but what do i say if i do i really like him and all somebody please tell me what i should do i know it probably wont mess up our relationship but what if it does i want him to quit really bad coz if he doesnt i dont think i can really be with him im probably thinkin bout it way to much but it bothers me ALOT!! i hope somebody can help me

Dallas got Fernandez... other players can be traded for a new PF?

i personally think that they should keep their roster intact for this next season because they are strong enough to repeat. i agree, they are getting old. but i think they should rebuild after this season, because they can still win it all. trading for rudy for draft picks is a good move for this the upcoming season.

I need help ASAP. I need someone to give me SOME information ?

Does anybody know where I can go perform (sing) in Memphis and make a little money ?? I need $75 dollars in a week !!

Help!! trying to chose between two colleges?

Middle Tennessee State University or University of Memphis!? I want to get away and go to mtsu but then again i want to stay home with family but they tell me to leave and get away or I'm going to be stuck in Memphis all my life and that's not what I want. I need to make a decision soon for orientation. please help me in making this decision. Also both are gonna be covered when it comes to tuition.

What do you think of Cyndi laupers new album memphis blues. ?

I think its my favorite album she has ever produced . i always play it to and from work really loud what do you think of it. ?

Beagles in memphis tn?

I have been looking for a beagle puppy for a while now an either they are $500 or not fullblooded i live in memphis tn and I really want a puppy does anyone know about anplace I can find some Ive been looking in internet shelters but I keep wishing I find a vute one near me for maybe $100?

PLEASE tell me what you think of my poem!?

Sounds like the typical teenage angst "i'm gonna post this on the internet so people feel bad for me" poem. If you want to write real poetry, wait a few years until you actually know what life is about and then write about something less shallow and age-typical.

I just watched Skyline. Didn't it occur to anyone to ask where the second half of the script was?

Total agreement. Just watched it this past weekend and stating it was an 'abrupt' ending does not truly describe it. Just when I thought, okay here we go, the movie ends. Huge disappointment. Far better alien invasion movies out there.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mouthing "Whisper" when kissing?

I watched this TV show and I saw this, and i was like.... could it be?!?!?!? Does this actually make you a good kisser? if not, What makes someone a good kisser?

I have 2 10" 4 ohm speakers, I am trying to hook it up to a 2 channel amp, how to you wire the subs?

I have these subwoofers (2 of them) and this amp (1000 watt version) I have everything hooked up correctly on the amp and everything is on. The only issue I am having is that... its about as loud as my cell phone. I did however have to look up how to wire a 4 ohm subwoofer. Can someone reassure me on how to do that? I have 2 voice coils on the back of each subwoofer and a 2 channel amp. This is the first time I have ever hooked something with 4 ohms up so there is a high chance that the subs are hooked up wrong. SOS?

How do you like my early 2011-2012 NBA Season Predictions?

Believable until you had the Lakers losing in 7 games. If you said they lose in 6 fine I believe that, but they don't lose in 7 hahaha they never lose game 7. Also the Heat won't win, James will never get his ring.

Why did the all the Kings horses and all the kings men try put Humpty Dumpty together?

Why didn't they just make Breakfast straight away, I mean an egg that size would have fed a lot of people?! :D

Name the recently retired star of the Memphis Grizzlies?

Name the recently retired star of the Memphis Grizzlies who goes by the same name as a confectionery derivative of chocolate, and who gave him this nickname.

WDYT of this sibset? Thanks!?

LOVE the boys names. I do like Finley for a girl though as well. I think it is truly unisex. My favorite would be Finley Pierce/Sawyer James and for girls it' d be Memphis Rose although I am not overly thrilled. Nice names though!

Did humpty dumpty really fall of the wall, or was it a suicide attempt gone wrong?

It was a suicide attempt gone wrong. You see, he was in love with little red riding hood and discovered she had a fling with the boy that cried wolf. He just couldn't stand his broken little heart.

What are your top 5 least favorite/ugliest NBA jerseys?

I think the green and red Bucks jerseys are gross. I hate those colors together. I actually really love OKC and New Orleans' jerseys. I think the colors are hott.

Please complete this for me in your own style...humpty dumpty...?

humpty dumpty was a great hore.humty dumty had a great fall.all the soldiers and all the kings men,picked up the hore and ucked her again...

I currently live in Memphis,TN and thinking about moving to long beach, Ca for next year.?

There are two reason, I will like to move to Long Beach, Ca. One is because I love California, two I am thinking about starting my master degree program at long beach university, major is health care administration, since it is a accelerate program. I would like to Is this a good school and will I be able to make friends because I don't have any family members.

How are my classes next year? Going to be a freshman?

well,either you are one intelligent little freshman,or you are exaggerating out of your ***,i don't know which one,but good luck next year anyway.

Is the Xbox 360 Slim worth the upgrade? Please Read?

If you already have an Xbox, I wouldn't suggest getting the Slim unless you get Red Ring, or you just plain out can't stand the noise. For those people that don't have an Xbox. If you are looking at buying a used old style Xbox vs the new Slim, go for the slim. But as for you, I'd stick with your Elite unless noise bothers you.

A question about potential phobias?

Well let's first define a phobia, which is an anxiety disorder and fear of someone or something. Hating when people whisper around you is not a phobia and neither is hating people with bad manners. However, if you have a phobia of people going away while talking then I suppose that could be some form of Isolophobia, which is a fear of being alone, that is, if that's what you meant. To me, it sounds like you do have one phobia that I can confirm, and that's phobophobia, a fear of phobias.

I connected my fox box to another TV. the figures looks like humpty dumpty WHY?

the cable is only 5 mts long,what do i have to do to get a good picture in my second TV?The original one still has a good picture(The one i have in my room)Please help .My second TV ia a LG LCD 21".

Top Post-hardcore bands ?

I'm not really here to answer this question (I'm not sure how bc I just love post hxc in general) but I'd just like to say everyone has there opinions and those who have to drop in their two cents about how horrible they think post hxc is shouldn't bother answering bc that's not going to change what YOU like. smh. But any way BMTH and A Skylit Drive soooo should be on that list, just saying lol. Those are all great bands btw ^__^

Question about FedEx shipping?

It looks like a mistake to me. I would wait and see if you get your package tomorrow and if not give FedEx a call.

What do it mean for a demon to say sorcerer to you?

Ok. I have to let this out. Ever since I was little I've been seeing demons. I'm not playing. I'm normally use to them bothering me but what happened to me this morning was down right scary! I was sleep in my living room, and two demons held me down. My eyes were open and i seen one of them looking down at me. And he kept whispering sorcerer to me at least three times. I stared at the couch in front of me and seen Anton LaVey, and yes i said Anton LaVey. I seen him clear as you would see a real person. He smiled at me. Then i felt another demon move in front of me. And he was having sex with me until i broke loose. Again im not joking around. I'm really scared. And want to know why they have been bothering me for the pass few days.....Here is another thing I should mention. I used to be wiccan. For the ones that don't know, wiccan is a religion that involves the practice of witchcraft.....Do you think these demons are trying to get me back into that religion? Why are they here? They wont let me rest. I have been extremely tired for the pass few days, and I have to get up early for school during the week. PLEASE HELP.

Help some one block/hack my facebook!?

Help some one block/hack my facebook! When I try to enter it says that someone from Memphis block it! And I don't know no one from memphis! Besides a friend of mines account was block too!! HELP!!!

Can anyone PLEASE name this song (dubstep)?

I cant hear the music clearly, the quality is too low and the people are cheering like there was a Tiesto concert.

How do you get children to put their heads under the water?

I try to tell the kids everything will be ok and to breath through their mouth and nose. I even play games like ring around the rosies and humpty dumpty but they still wont go under! Even if I show them how to do it, by me doing it they still wont. Please any suggestions or if you've been a swim instructor and have any ideas that you did that worked that would be fantastic! Thank you!